Saeed Rezaei is currently an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Languages and Linguistics Center of Sharif university of Technology where he teaches both undergrad and postgraduate courses. He started teaching as a lecturer at Sharif in 2009 and later in 2014 became an Assistant Professor. He received both his MA and PhD in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from Allameh Tabataba’i University and his BA in English Literature from the University of Isfahan.Â
Saeed Rezaei is teaching TESOL, Academic Writing, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Research Methods and Seminar to postgraduate students and General English and ESP courses to undergraduate students. His areas of interest are primarily in social issues in TESOL and linguistics, the role of culture and identity in language education, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, minority languages in Iran, and second language writing.
In the past few years he has presented in different conferences and universities including Macquarie University (2012), University of Technology Sydney (2012), University of Murcia, Spain (2016), University of Amsterdam (2016), Autonomous University of Barcelona (2016), University of Auckland (2018), University of Leiden (2019), Kobe University, Japan (2020) and University of Jyväskylä, Finland (2021).
Current International Collaboration
“Documenting Zargari. A missing link in understanding Romani” in collaboration with Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ioana Aminian Jazi, Prof. Thede Kahl, Prof. Florian Schwarz and Prof. Yaron Matras.Â
- PhD (TEFL), Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
- M.A. (TEFL), Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
- B.A. (English Literature), University of Isfahan, Iran
Visiting Posts
- Sept-Nov 2021: Visiting Fellow, Department of Language and Communication Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
- July 2012-Feb 2013:Â Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Areas of InterestÂ
- Language, Culture and Identity
- Language and Society
- Discourse Analysis
- Minority LanguagesÂ
Professional ExperienceÂ
- ۲۰۱۹-Now        Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Associate Professor - Sept-Nov 2021    University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Visiting Fellow - ۲۰۱۴-۲۰۱۹        Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Assistant Professor - Û²Û°Û°Û¹-Û²Û°Û±Û´ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Lecturer                                  - Jul 2012-Feb 2013  Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Visiting Scholar
Academic and Administrative ResponsibilitiesÂ
- Û²Û°Û²Û³-Now Deputy of Research & Graduate Studies, Languages and Linguistics Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- Û²Û°Û²Û°-Now Director of Language Center, Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
- Û²Û°Û±Û·-Û²Û°Û²Û± Deputy of Education, Languages and Linguistics Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- Û²Û°Û±Ûµ- Û²Û°Û±Û· Coordinator of Biweekly Seminars, Languages and Linguistics Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
- Û²Û°Û±Ûµ-Û²Û°Û±Û· Head of English Language Minor Program, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Workshops by me
- Intercultural Issues for Teaching Persian to the Speakers of Other Languages, January 2020, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, International College
- Anti-Plagiarism Pedagogy in Academic Writing. Workshop held at Sharif University of Technology for TEFL students, June 2016
- Academic Writing for Graduate students of TESOL, Khatam University
- Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in Language Research. Workshop held at Sharif University of Technology for TEFL students, February 2015
- Statistics and SPSS in Language Research. Workshop held at Sharif University of Technology for TEFL students, October 2014
- Proposal Writing in TEFL and Linguistics. Workshop held at Sharif University of Technology for TEFL students, December 2014
Conference Organizer/ChairÂ
- Executive Chair: Sharif ELT Conference 2015 (
Editorial Board
- Member of the Editorial Board: Intercultural Communication Education (2020-now)
Reviewer in Scholarly JournalsÂ
- Reviewer: Urban Education (SAGE)
- Reviewer: Sociological Perspectives (SAGE)
- Reviewer: International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Wiley-Blackwell)
- Reviewer: Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (Routledge)
- Reviewer: Written Communication (SAGE)
- Reviewer: Social Semiotics (Routledge)
- Reviewer: Interdisciplinary Studies in ELT (ISELT) (Uni of Mazandaran)
- Reviewer: Language Horizon (Alzahra University)
- Reviewer: Applied Linguistics Review (Mouton de Gruyter)
- Reviewer: Discourse, Context and Media (Elsevier)
- Reviewer: International Social Science Journal(Wiley-Blackwell)
- Reviewer: Anthropological Notebook (Slovenian Anthropological Society)
- Reviewer: Critical Inquiry in Language Studies (Routledge)
- Reviewer: Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: Studies of Migration, Integration, Equity, and Cultural Survival (DIME) (Routledge)
- Reviewer: Journal of Further and Higher Education (Routledge)
- Reviewer: International Journal of Multilingualism (Routledge)
- Reviewer: TESOL Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell)
- Reviewer: Journal of Beliefs and Values (Routledge)
- Reviewer: Revista Española de LingüÃstica Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics (John Benjamins)
- Reviewer: Open Linguistics (Mouton de Gruyter)
- Reviewer: Social Identities: Journal for the study of race, nation and culture (Taylor & Francis)
- Reviewer: Iranian Studies (Taylor & Francis)
- Reviewer: Lingua (Elsevier)
- Reviewer: Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning (Taylor & Francis)
- Reviewer: Educational Research for Policy and Practice (Springer)
- Reviewer: Journal of Cognitive Science (Seoul National University)
- Reviewer: Issues in Language Teaching (Allameh Tabataba’i University)
- Reviewer: Language, Culture & Curriculum (Taylor & Francis)
- Reviewer: Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poland)
- Reviewer: Linguistic Landscape: An International Journal (John Benjamins Publishing House)
- Reviewer: Language Policy (Springer)
- Reviewer: Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée (Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics)
- Reviewer: Journal of Education, Citizenship and Justice (SAGE)
- Reviewer: Journal of Language, Identity & Education (Taylor & Francis)
- Reviewer: Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Taylor & Francis)
- Reviewer: Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication (Mouton de Gruyter)
- Reviewer: Journal of Academic Ethics (Springer)
- Reviewer: Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research (Urmia University, Iran