Awarded as the best Employer-Oriented Applied Ph.D. Dissertation, 4th Amirkabir National Festival, 2025
Ranked 237 among more than 270,000 participants in the National Mathematics-Physics Entrance Exam, 2007.
Ranked 400 among more than 170,000 participants in the Foreign Languages (English) Entrance Exam, 2007.
Ranked 26 among more than 32,000 participants in the National M.Sc. Entrance Exam for Civil Engineering, 2011.
Ranked 9 among more than 900 participants in the National Ph.D. Entrance Exam for Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering), 2013.
Academic Profession
Honors and Awards
Awarded as the best Employer-Oriented Applied Ph.D. Dissertation, 4th Amirkabir National Festival, 2025
Ranked 237 among more than 270,000 participants in the National Mathematics-Physics Entrance Exam, 2007.
Ranked 400 among more than 170,000 participants in the Foreign Languages (English) Entrance Exam, 2007.
Ranked 26 among more than 32,000 participants in the National M.Sc. Entrance Exam for Civil Engineering, 2011.
Ranked 9 among more than 900 participants in the National Ph.D. Entrance Exam for Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering), 2013.