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Physics I (Fall 2014)


 This is a B.Sc.  course, which will be held in Sharif University of Technology.

Class Time:  Saturday and Monday  13:30- 15:00

Place: Sharif University of Technology, Mathematics Department - Pardis I

Registered students:  16

About the Course:

This  is the first University course for Physics. An introduction to the Physics as a Science.

The main Scope of the these course is Mechanics.


Assignments:  6 points

Midterm Exam: 6 points    Date: (22  November  2014 - @ 13:30 -  /    امتحان میان ترم  - 1 آذر 93 ساعت 13:30 مکان )

Final  Exam:     8 points     Date:  ( Monday   7 January  2015  -  پایان ترم 17 دی 1393         Time: 13:00)

10 Minutes Presentations, Quizes , Active Presence in class : Max 3 points

Total grade: 20 + 3

You can find your   Assignments grades click

You can find your   Midterm exam grades  here.

You can find your   Final exam grades here.

You can find your   Final grades here.

In the case, you have question about your grading, please let me know via email, mentioneng the No. of Question.


Suggested Reading:

The main book of this course is :

1)Fundamental of Physics: D. Halliday,  R. Resnick, J. Walker. 9th edition (2010)

2) Problems in Physics I :  (35 Questions)


 Lecture 1: (29 / 06 / 93)

In this Lecture we go through the first chapter of the book. A brief history of Physics, Physics as an experimental Science, Measurements in Physics, standard Units and the estimation in Physics is discussed. Also the concept of measurement and error is studied. (Chapter I)

 Lecture 2: ( 31 / 06 / 93)

In this lecture, we continue with the first chapter and concept of measurement and unit-converting. Then we will start the second chapter of the book. Introducing the concept of motion in straight line. The average and instantaneous velocity and acceleration. (Chapter I -II)

 Lecture  3: ( 05 / 07 / 93)

In this lecture, we review the concept of the dimensional analyses. we find the Energy of Planck scale by this method. Then we study the motion in one dimension, the concept of the average and instantaneous velocity and acceleration is restudied. (Chapter II)

Lecture  4: ( 07 / 07 / 93)

In this lecture we study the kinematic of motion in 2 and 3 dimensions. Solving the problem of  mass moving in 3D in constant gravitational field and a constant force field perpendicular to the gravitational field.  (Chapter III - IV)

Lecture  5: ( 12 / 07 / 93)

In this lecture we study the circular motion. The polar and spherical coordinates are discussed. Eventually we discuss the concept of relative motion. (Chapter IV)

Lecture  6: ( 14 / 07 / 93)

In this lecture, we will start talking about the concept of force. Then we introduce the three laws of motion. Then we study the frictional force and solve couple of examples  in dynamics. (Chapter V - Chapter VI)

Lecture  7: ( 19 / 07 / 93)

In this lecture, we solve 2 problems in dynamics to become more familiar with the concept of force and friction. (Chapter V - Chapter VI)

21 /07 / 93 - public holiday

Lecture  8: ( 26 / 07 / 93)

In this lecture, we solve 2 problems in dynamics to become more familiar with the concept of force and friction. (Chapter V - Chapter VI)

Lecture  9: ( 28 / 07 / 93)

In this lecture, we solve 3 problems in dynamics to become more familiar with the concept of force and friction. (Chapter V - Chapter VI)

Lecture  10: ( 03 / 08 / 93)

In this lecture, we  start to study the concept of energy. We  discuss about the kinematic energy and potential energy as well. (Chapter VII - Chapter VIII)

Lecture  11: ( 05 / 08 / 93)

In this lecture, we will continue to talk about the concept of energy and conservation of energy. Stable and unstable equilibrium is studied and couple of examples are solved.

Lecture  12: ( 10 / 08 / 93)

In this lecture, we solve a problem from Energy-momentum section and we have a Quiz from Sections 1-4.

12 /08 / 93 - public holiday

Lecture  13: ( 17 / 08 / 93)

In this lecture, we solve a couple of  problems from Energy-momentum section and we have a Quiz from Sections 5-8.

Lecture  14: ( 19 / 08 / 93)

In this lecture, we review section 1-8 and solve couple of examples.

Lecture  15: ( 24 / 08 / 93)

In this lecture we will start Chapter 9 with the definition of linear momentum and the concept of the center of mass.

Lecture  16: ( 26 / 08 / 93)

In this lecture we continue with studying the linear momentum conservation and we solve a couple of related problems. (Chapter 9)

Lecture  17: ( 01 / 09 / 93)

Mid Term: 22 November  2014 - @ 8:30 -  /    امتحان میان ترم  - 1 آذر 93 ساعت 13:30 مکان

Lecture  18: ( 03 / 09 / 93)

In this lecture we discuss about the collisional systems and conservation of the momentum. (Chapter 9)

Lecture  19: ( 08 / 09 / 93)

In this lecture, we will continue with the concept of linear Momentum conservation, the concept of elastic and non elastic collisions and we solve the Compton scattering as an example. (Chapter 9)

Lecture  20: ( 10 / 09 / 93)

In this lecture we discuss the concept of the varying mass and the conservation of the angular momentum. (Chapter 9)

Lecture  21: ( 15 / 09 / 93)

In this lecture we start the chapter 10  by introducing the concept of rotational motion, angular velocity and acceleration. Then we introduce the moment of inertia and we solve couple of problems obtaining moment of inertia for continuous systems. (Chapter 10)

Lecture  22: ( 17 / 09 / 93)

In this lecture we continue with the rotational motion and we introduce kinetic energy and torque. (Chapter 10)

22 /09 / 93 - public holiday

Lecture  23: ( 24 / 09 / 93)

In this lecture we will start the Chapter 11, and we study about the concept of the angular momentum. (Chapter 11)

Lecture  24: ( 29 / 09 / 93)

In this lecture we study the concept of the angular momentum, torque and the conservation of the angular momentum. (Chapter 12)

Lecture  25: ( 01 / 10 / 93)

In this lecture we will study the concept of the equilibrium. (Chapter 13)

Lecture  26: ( 06 / 10 / 93)

The Result of the Assignments are announced- Discussion on the final exam and etc...

Lecture  27: ( 08 / 10 / 93)

In this lecture we will finish the Chapter 12 and start Chapter 13 on gravity.

Lecture  28: ( 13 / 10 / 93)

In this lecture we discuss the cahpter 13 on gravity.

Lecture  29: ( 15 / 10 / 93)

Presentation day.


*Each assignment  set will contain 10 problems which will be updated gradually, please check them time by time to get all the problems of a set. The return date of each problem is mentioned. 

* You can solve the problem in groups with maximum number of 3 memeber

1) Problem Set 1    موعد تحویل :  دوشنبه 14 مهر

2) Problem Set 2     موعد تحویل :   شنبه 26 مهر  

3) Problem Set 3      موعد تحویل :   شنبه 10آبان

4) Problem Set 4      موعد تحویل :   شنبه 17آبان 

5)Problem Set 5       موعد تحویل :   شنبه 24آبان

6)Problem Set 6       موعد تحویل :   شنبه 15آذر

7)Problem Set 7       موعد تحویل :  دوشنبه 24آذر

8)Problem Set 8       موعد تحویل :    شنبه 6دی


10 Minute Presentations:

15 Day 1393


Useful Links:

The Scale of Universe : A very intersting web-page to compare the scale in the Universe that we know about them.

Rosetta : About  Rosetta, a comet chaser, which  will be the first spacecraft to orbit a comet’s nucleus.