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My Students



In this page you will find the information of my Students (B.Sc. - M.Sc. and Ph.D.) which I was/am their supervisor/co-supervisor.

** My students and I have Research Group Meeting  each Tuesday @ 17:00 in Physics Department 6th floor  on the topics discussed in Research Interest Page.  **


Ph.D. Students:

5) Masoud Molaee

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) -  ( ? Proposal Accepted) - ?
Thesis title:  Electromagnetism in Curved Spacetime

Advisor: Prof. Bahram Mashhoon

4) Javad Tabatabaei

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) - ( ? Proposal Accepted) - ?
Thesis title: Cosmology of local limit of nonlocal gravity

Advisor: Prof. Bahram Mashhoon

3) Mohadeseh Khoshtinat

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) 29 August 2021 (Proposal Accepted) - ?
Thesis title:  Investigating the cosmic-web with one point and cross statistics


 2) Mohammad Ansari

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) 17 September 2019 (Proposal Accepted) - ?
Thesis title:  Cosmic Web as a probe of  cosmology and fundamental physics.

  1) Hamed Kameli

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) 16 September 2018 (Proposal Accepted)- 21 September 2021
Thesis title:  Gravitatinal Wave Astronomy as a probe of large scale Structures


  1) Alireza Maleki,

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) Feb. 2017- 26 November 2020
Primary supervisor: Prof. Sohrab Rahvar
Thesis title: Dark Matter and Classical and Quantum Statistical Mechanics



Master Students:

32) Yahya Nia Mohammadi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), 9 Sep. 2024 - ?

 Project: Consistent solutions of gravitational field equations in the local limit of non-local gravity

31) Dina Mousavi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2023 - 8 Sep. 2024

 Project: Nonlinear Structure Formation in Beyond Cold Dark Matter Models with Nonzero Sound Speed

30) Haniyeh Tadayoni

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2023 - 14 Sep 2024

In Collaboration with: Prof. Sohrab Rahvar (Physics department - SUT)

Project: The study of the Kinematic and Clustering dipoles using cosmological large-scale structure data

29) Arefeh Daei Rasouli

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2023 - 14 Sep 2024

In Collaboration with: Prof. Sohrab Rahvar (Physics department - SUT)

Project: Investigating the Homogeneity and Isotropy of the Cosmos with Large-Scale Structure Data and the Consistency of Our Motion to CMB

28) Nooshin Torabi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2023 - 8 Sep. 2024

In Collaboration with: Prof. Sohrab Rahvar (Physics department - SUT)

Project: Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves as a probe to study the distribution of matter in the Cosmos

27) Saba Pashaie

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2023 - 15 Sep 2024

In Collaboration with: Dr. Reza Rezaei (Physics department - SUT)

Project: Structure and dynamics of matter in nearby spiral galaxies

26) Mohammad Hossein Amiri

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Feb 2023 - 17 Feb. 2024
Project: Cosmic Web- One point statistics in high redshift

25) Zeinab Ashouri

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2022 - 7 Feb 2024
Project: Galaxies in Voids

 24) Melika Saremi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2021 - 15 Feb 2023
Project: Number Density of Dark Matter halos in Fuzzy dark matter models.

23) Seyed Mohammad Javad Tabatabaie

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Jan 2022 - 11 September 2022
Project: Large scale structure implications of non-local gravity

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate Physics Department, Sharif University of Technology.

22) Sajad Tabasi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2021 - 7 September 2022
Project: Primordial Black holes and cosmological parameters.

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate Physics Department, Sharif University of Technology.

21) Yasaman Khalaj

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2020 - 13 March 2022
Project: Change in sound horizon to reconcile the Hubble tension and late time LSS observables


20) Parnaz Sheikh Ansari

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2020 - 13 March 2022
Project: Change in dynamics of late time Universe to reconcile the Hubble tension and late time LSS observables

19) Amir Shariat Gonabadi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep 2019 - 17 February 2021
Project: Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Wave

18) Zahra Baghkhani

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Aug. 2019 - 16 September 2020
Project: Cosmic Web and galaxy bias

17) Laya Ghodsi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Aug. 2019 - 16 September 2020
Project: Cosmic Web and the environmental effects on formation, evolution and clustering of galaxies

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate Physics and Astronomy Department, The University of British Columbia

16) Aryan Rahimieh

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Aug. 2018 - 16 July 2019
Project: Gravitational Waves Astronomy: Background Radiation, Relativistic Effects and Distribution Function of Sources

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Southern California

15) Sina Taamoli

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Aug. 2018 - 16 July 2019
Project:Cosmological nonlinear Structure Formation by Excursion set theory of Peaks.

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Riverside

 14) Amir Farzan Esmaeili

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2017 - 19 January 2019
Project: Neutrino footprint in Large Scale Structure

In Collaboration with: Dr.  Mehdi Torabbian (Physics department - SUT)

Position afterwards (Now): PhD Student Astroparticle physics- PUC-Rio

13) Nima Ronaghi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2017 - 19 January 2019
Project: Nonlinear structure formation in cosmology and first up-crossing in non-Markov processes

In Collaboration with: Dr. Saman Moghimi (Physics Department - SUT)

12) Amirabbas Ghazizadeh

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2017 - 20 January 2019
Project: Missing baryon problem: SKA Project and scaling relations of void galaxies

In Collaboration with: Dr.  Reza Mansouri (Physics Department - SUT)

11) Amir Abbas Ahmad Khanbeigi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2016 - 20 January 2019
Project: Relativistic cosmology with the polarization of gravitational waves

In Collaboration with: Dr. Reza Mansouri and Dr.  Mojahed ParsiMood (Physics Department - SUT)

10) Saeid Aliei

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2017 - 16 September 2018
Project: Cosmological observables in past light cone

In Collaboration with: Dr. Sohrab Rahvar (Physics Department - SUT)

Position afterwards (Now): Master of Science, SISSA.

 9) Zahra Sattari

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2017 - 19 August 2018
Project: The study of fossil galaxy groups by excursion set theory of nonlinear structure formation

In Collaboration with: Dr.  Sohrab Rahvar (Physics Department - SUT)

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate Physics abd Astronomy Department, University of Riverside

8) Mohammad Ali Islami

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2015 - 13 January 2018
Project: Modified Gravity from theory to observation

In Collaboration with: Dr.  Nima Khosravi  (Physics Department - Shahid Beheshti University)

7) Maryam Rahimi

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2015 -  24 September 2017
Project: Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter

6) Fatemeh Monfared

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep. 2015 -  4 September 2017
Project: Cosmology with the SunyaevZel’dovich Effect

5) Mohammad Ansari

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep. 2015 - 17 September 2017
Project: Large Scale Structure as a probe of Early Universe Physics

In Collaboration with: Dr.  Hassan Firouzjahi  (School of Astronomy - IPM)

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate of  Cosmology, Physics Department of Sharif University of Technology.

4)Mohammadreza Ayromlou

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep. 2014 - 25 Sep. 2016
Project: The Study of Cosmological Structures Formation by Physics of Stochastic Processes

In Collaboration with: Dr.  Mohammad Reza  Rahimi Tabar (SUT)

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate of Astrophysics and Cosmology, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Germany

3)Ali Hossein Torkamann Gholami

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep. 2014 - 11 Sep 2016
Project: Precision Cosmology with redshift Space distortion effect

2) Hasti Khoraminezhad

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep. 2014 - 28 August 2016
Project: The effect of environment on Baryon Acoustic Oscillation standard ruler

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate in Astrophysics Group - SISSA - Italy.

1) Farbod Hasani,

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep. 2014 - 2 August 2016
Project: CMB Lensing and Large Scale Structure bias as a probe of beyond LCDM Cosmology

In Collaboration with: Dr.  Hassan Firouzjahi  (School of Astronomy - IPM)

Position afterwards: A Ph.D. student in the Geneva Cosmology Group as a part of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Geneva (Switzerland) - Defense: 3 September 2020

Position afterwards (Now): post-Dpctoral fellow  Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics - University of Oslo - Norway (Sep 2020 - ?)

 5) Masoud Molaei,

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) Sep. 2019- 18 February 2021
Primary supervisor: Prof.  Bahram Mashhoon
Thesis title: Non Local Gravity

 4) Elaheh Khaloie,

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) Sep. 2014- 18 Sep. 2016
Primary supervisor: Prof. Sohrab Rahvar
Thesis title: Non Local Gravity as a dark matter

(Followed by a position of a Ph.D. candidate in Physics Department of Sharif University of Technology.)

3) Arghavan Shafiee,

Alzahrah University. September 2012- March 2015
Primary supervisor: Dr. Ahmad Shariati
Thesis title: Statistics of Cosmological Voids

Position afterwards: Università degli Studi di PadovaUniversità degli Studi di Padova Master's degree, Data ScienceMaster's degree, Data Science 2020 - 2023

2) Elahe Hayati,

Alzahrah University. September 2012- March 2015
Primary supervisor: Dr. Ahmad Shariati
Thesis title: Massive high redshift galaxies as a challenge of standard cosmological model

Position afterwards (Now): Ph.D. candidate  Department of Astronomy and Steward observatory, University of Arizona

1) Amir Mollazadeh,

Kharazmi University.  September 2011- March 2014
Primary supervisor: Dr.Shahram Khosravi (Kharazmi University).
Thesis title: Studying inhomogeneous Dark Energy models by ISW-matter power spectrum cross correlation

Position afterwards (Now): A Ph.D. student in Physics department of University of Kharazmi -Tehran

  • Advisor:

4) Nassim Derakshanian

Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS)  September 2018- Terminated.
Primary supervisor: Dr.Encieh Erfani (Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS).
Thesis title: Primordial Black holes and large scale structure

3) Farshid Dielami,

Kharazmi University.  September 2012- February 2015
Primary supervisor: Dr.Shahram Khosravi (Kharazmi University).
Thesis title: Inhomogenous and anisotropic dark energy in ISW-g cross correlation


2) Ahmad Shamlou,

Kharazmi University.  September 2012- February 2015
Primary supervisor: Dr.Shahram Khosravi (Kharazmi University).
Thesis title: Studying small scale matter power spectrum of dark matter

Position afterwards (Now): A Ph.D. student in College of Art and Science Ohio University

 1) Nareg Mirzatuni,

Sharif University of Technology(SUT). September 2011- Sep. 2013
Primary supervisor: Reza Mansouri (SUT) and Sharham Khosravi (Kharazmi University).
Thesis title: Non-Gaussian perturbation in early Universe and Inflationary models (Grade of thesis: Excellent)

Position afterwards (Now): A Ph.D. student in Physics department of University of Southern California (USC)


B.Sc. Students:

wor: with official registration

  • Supervisor:   (wor = with official registration)


27) Aria Hemmatian, (SUT), Sep 2023- ?

”21cm and local limit of Non-local gravity”

26) Mohammad Ghorieshi, (SUT), Sep 2023- ?

”21cm and local limit of Non-local gravity”

25) Hossein Hatamnia, (SUT), Sep 2022- ?

”One point statistics and cosmic web environment”
”Non-local gravity”

24) Saghaiegh Emami, (SUT), Aug 2022- Sep 2023
”21 cm cosmology”

23) Afshin Forutan, Aug 2022 - Sep 2023 (wor)


22) Amir Bonari, (SUT), Aug 2022- Sep 2023(wor)
”Habitable galaxies”

21) Nooshin Torabi (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT),  Sep 2021 - Jan 2022 Weak Lensing of BAO

20) Negin Khosravaninejad (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), June 2021 -Jan 2022  Cosmic Web

19) Erfan Abbas Gholinejad

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2020 - Dec 2021  Cosmoloy and Machine Learning

 18) Saba Etezad Razavi

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2020 - Dec 2021 Cosmology and Machine Learning

17) Arefe Abghari  (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2018 - Aug 2020  Project: Merger History of Dark matter halos

16) Setareforoozan,  (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2018 - Aug 2020  Project: Stochastic processes and first up-crossing

15) Laya Parkavosi,  (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2018 - June 2019  Project:  Monte Carlo Markov Chain in Cosmology

Position afterwards (Now): A Master of Science Student -  Physics Department Sharif University of Technology.

14) Hadi Stoudeh,

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2018 - June 2021  Project:  Supermassive Black Hole merger rate

13) Yazadan Babazadeh,

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2017 -June 2019  Project:  Large Scale Structure

 12) Royah Ahemeh,  (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2017 - Aug. 2018  Project:  Modified Gravity

11) Maryam Tajali  (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2017 - Aug. 2018  Project: Galaxy formation and Evolution and its environmental dependence

Primary supervisor: Dr. Mojtabah Raouf - School of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM)

Position afterwards (Now): A master student in Astronomy and Cosmology in Leiden University.

10) Laya Ghodsi (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2017 - Aug. 2018  Project: Galaxy formation and Evolution and its environmental dependence

Primary supervisor: Dr. Mojtabah Raouf - School of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM)

Position afterwards (Now): A Master  student in Physics Department of Sharif Univerity of Technology.

9) Mahdi Ghezloo

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2016 - Aug. 2018  Project: Bias and  Excursion set theory.

Position afterwards (Now): Position afterwards (Now): A Ph.D. candidate in Physics and Astronomy Department of University of California - Riverside

8) Oveis Sheibani

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2016 - Sep 2017  Project: Matrix formalism for Excursion set theory.

7) Javad Nematollahi (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2016 - Sep 2017  Project: Excursion Set theory

Position afterwards (Now): A Master student in Physics department University of Bonn

6) Yasaman Najafi (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep 2016 - Sep 2017  Project: Neutrino Cosmology

Position afterwards (Now): A Master student in Physics department University of Bonn

5) Farnik Nikakhtar

Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Dec 2015 - August 2017  Project: Matrix formalism for Excursion set theory.

Position afterwards (Now): A Ph.D. student in Physics and Astronomy department of University of Pennsylvania

Position (Now): Researcher, Department of Physics, Yale University.

4) Hassan Forghani, (wor)

Sharif University of Technology(SUT),  Sep 2015 -  August 2016  , Project:  Non - Local Gravity

Position afterwards (Now): A M.Sc. student in Physics department of University of Tehran

3) Abtin Shahidi

 Sharif University of Technology(SUT),  Feb 2015 -  August 2016  , Project: 21 cm cosmology

Position afterwards (Now): A Ph.D. candidate in Physics and Astronomy Department of University of California - Riverside

2) Elham Eftekhari (wor)

 Sharif University of Technology(SUT), Sep. 2014- Feb. 2015 , Project: Galactic Habitable zone

Position afterwards : A Master  student in Physics Department of Amir Kabir University

Position (Now): A Ph.D. student Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC)

 1) Farbod Hassani

Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Sep.  2013- Sep. 2014, Project: CMB lensing

Position afterwards: A Master  student in Physics Department of Sharif Univerity of Technology

Position afterwards (Now):  Ph.D. candidate in the Geneva Cosmology Group as a part of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Geneva (Switzerland)