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Electromagnetism III (Fall 2024) 

General: (The webpage of the course is updated gradually)  - Last Update 23 September 2024

This is a M.Sc.. course, which will be held in Physics Department of Sharif University of Technology.

Class Time:  Sunday and Tuesday   10:30 - 12:30

Place: Physics Department, 412, Partovi Hall

Office Hours:  ... or  by appointment - Email:  

Registered students:

About the Course:

This is an andvacned course on  Electromagnetism one of the main courses of Physics department for M.Sc. students.

The main course book is: Classical Electrodynamics by John David Jackson, Wiley; 3rd edition (August 14, 1998).


Teacher Assitants:


Mid-term 1: 3 points YOU CAN SEE THE RESULTS HERE   

Tuesday -  24 Mehr 1403  -  15 Oct  2024 : Time: 10:30 - 12:30

Mid-term 2:  4 points  YOU CAN SEE THE RESULTS HERE

Tuesday -  22 Aban 1403  -  12 Nov  2024 @ 10:30 -12:30

Mid-term 3:  4 points  YOU CAN SEE THE RESULTS HERE

Tuesday -  20 Azar 1403  -  10 Dec  2024  @ 10:30 -12:30

Final Exam :  6  points    YOU CAN SEE THE RESULTS HERE 

Monday 24 Day 1403 - 13 January 2025 - @ 15:00 - 18:00

Assignments: 4 points      See The TAs announcement  (YOU CAN HAVE 7 DAY DELAYS IN TOTAL)

Class Activity: 0.5 point

 Total grade: 20+1.5



Suggested Reading:

1) Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory  by John R. Reitz, Frederick J. Milford, Robert W. Christy Addison-Wesley; 4th edition (May 19, 2008).

2) Modern Electrodynamics by Andrew Zangwill (2012).

3) Electricity and Magnetism by Edward M. Purcell, David J. Morin, Cambridge University Press; 3rd edition (2013).

4) Electricity and Magnetism by Dr. Munir H. Nayfeh, Dr. Morton K. Brussel, Dover Publications; (March 18, 2015).

5) Introduction to Electromagnetism: From Coulomb to Maxwel by Martin J N Sibley, ‎ CRC Press; 2nd edition (March 23, 2021).

6) Advanced Classical Electromagnetism Book by Robert Wald, Princeton University Press (2022).

7) Introduction to Electrodynamics 5th Edition by David J. Griffiths, Cambridge University Press; 5th edition (2023)

8) A Modern Introduction to Classical Electrodynamics (Oxford Master Series in Physics) by Michele Maggiore, Oxford University Press (2023)

9) Classical Electrodynamics: Second Edition by Julian Schwinger (Author), Kimball Milton (Editor), CRC Press; 2nd edition (2024)

Lecture Notes and Presentations:

Time Line of Lectures:

Lecture  1: ( Sunday - 1 Mehr 1403  -  22 Sep  2024 )

An introduction to the regulation of the course. A brief History of EM starting from 1600 Gilbert book to 1905 Special relativity.  The definition of Coloumb and the fixed value of electric charge of electron in SI units is discussed.

Lecture  2: ( Tuesday -  3 Mehr 1403  -  24 Sep  2024 )


Lecture  3: ( Sunday - 8 Mehr 1403  -  29 Sep  2024 )


Lecture  4: ( Tuesday -  10 Mehr 1403  -  1 Oct  2024 )


Lecture  5: ( Sunday   - 15 Mehr 1403  -  6 Oct  2024)


Lecture  6: ( Tuesday -  17 Mehr 1403  -  8 Oct  2024 )


Lecture  7: ( Sunday   - 22 Mehr 1403  -  13 Oct  2024 )


Lecture  8: ( Tuesday -  24 Mehr 1403  -  15 Oct  2024)

Midterm Exam I

Lecture  9: ( Sunday   - 29 Mehr 1403  -  20 Oct  2024 )


Lecture  10: (Tuesday -  1 Aban 1403  -  22 Oct  2024)


Lecture  11:  ( Sunday   - 6 Aban 1403  -  27 Oct  2024)


Lecture  12:  ( Tuesday -  8 Aban 1403  -  29 Oct  2024 ) 


Lecture  13:  ( Sunday   - 13 Aban 1403  -  3 Nov  2024)


Lecture  14:  ( Tuesday -  15 Aban 1403  -  5 Nov  2024 )   


Lecture  15:  ( Sunday   - 20 Aban 1403  -  10 Nov  2024 )


Lecture  16:   ( Tuesday -  22 Aban 1403  -  12 Nov  2024 )

Midterm II

Lecture  17:   ( Sunday   - 27 Aban 1403  -  17 Nov  2024 )   


Lecture  18:   ( Tuesday -  29 Aban 1403  -  19 Nov  2024 )


Lecture  19:   ( Sunday   - 4 Azar 1403  -  24 Nov  2024)


Lecture  20:   ( Tuesday -  6 Azar 1403  -  26 Nov  2024)


Lecture  21:   ( Sunday   - 11 Azar 1403  -  1 Dec 2024 )


Lecture  22:    ( Tuesday -  13 Azar 1403  -  3 Dec  2024 ) 


Lecture  23:    (  Sunday   - 18 Azar 1403  -  8 Dec 2024 )


Lecture  24:    ( Tuesday -  20 Azar 1403  -  10 Dec  2024  )

Midterm Exam III

Lecture  25:    ( Sunday   - 25 Azar 1403  -  15 Dec 2024 )


Lecture  26:    ( Tuesday -  27 Azar 1403  -  17 Dec  2024 )


Lecture  27:    ( Sunday   - 2 Day 1403  -  22 Dec 2024 )


Lecture  28:    ( Tuesday -  4 Day 1403  -  24  Dec  2024)


Lecture  29:    ( Sunday   - 9 Day 1403  -  29 Dec 2024 )


Lecture  30:    ( Tuesday -  11 Day 1403  -  31  Dec  2024)





You have the opportunity to use 7 days in total to send homeworks after deadlines.

0) Problem Set 0  due to  Tuesday  1 October 2024 / 10 Mehr 1403

1) Problem Set 1  due to  Tuesday  

2) Problem Set 2  due to  Tuesday 

3) Problem Set 3  due to  Tuesday 

4) Problem Set 4  due to  Tuesday  

5) Problem Set 5  due to  Tuesday 

6) Problem Set 6  due to  Tuesday 

Essays and Projects:

Useful Links and Further Reading:

1) Lecture notes on Vector calculus by Prof. David Tong.

2) Lectures notes on Electromagnetism  by Prof. David Tong.

3) Notes by Roger Briley

4) Notes by Piaras Kelly


6) Video forms part of a course on Electromagnetism by Prof Robert de Mello Koch held at AIMS South Africa in 2013.

7) Lectures on EMI - Fall 2021 Videos