
Gholamreza Ghassem-Sani
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
Sharif University of Technology, Iran

sani at sign sharif.edu
Educational Background
Professional Background

Executive Positions (Sharif University of Technology):

  • Dean of Education [2014-2016]

Executive Positions (Computer Engineering Department):

  • Head: Division of Artificial Intelligence [2010-2012]
  • Vice-Chairman: Educational Affairs [2006-2008]
  • Head: Division of Artificial Intelligence [1998-2000]
  • Chairman [1996-98]
  • Vice-Chairman: Educational Affairs [1995-96]
Research Areas
  • Artificial Intelligence Planning
  • Natural Language Processing


  1. N. Hemati and G. Ghassem-Sani, Multi-hop question answering using sparse graphs, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Pub., Vol. 126, No. 107128, Nov. 2023.
  2. Y. Boreshban, M. Mirbostani, G. Ghassem-Sani, A. Mirroshandel, and S. Amiriparian, Improving question answering performance using knowledge distillation and active learning, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Pub., Vol. 123, No. 106137, 2023, pp. 1-14.
  3. M. Feyzbakhsh Rankooh and G. Ghassem-Sani, ITSAT: An Efficient SAT-Based Temporal Planner, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Vol. 53 , 2015, pp. 541-632.
  4. A. Mirroshandel and G. Ghassem-Sani, Towards Unsupervised Learning of Temporal Relations between Events, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Vol. 45 , 2012, pp. 125-163.
  5. A. Mirroshandel, G. Ghassem-Sani, and M. Khayyamian, Using Syntactic-Based Kernels for Classifying Temporal Relations, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Special Section on Natural Language Processing, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2011, pp. 68-80.
  6. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Fast Forward Planning by Guided Enforced Hill Climbing, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Pub., Vol. 23, No. 8, 2010, pp. 1327-1339.
  7. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Heuristic Search by Guided Enforced Hill Climbing in Fast Forward Automated Planning, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Volume 68, No. 4, 2009, pp. 278-284.
  8. N. Moosavi and G. Ghassem-Sani, A Ranking Approach to Persian Pronoun Resolution, Advances in Computational Linguistics, Research in Computing Science, Vol. 41, 2009, pp. 169-180.
  9. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Evaluating the Constant Weight in WA*, The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1(a), Spring 2007, pp. 41-49 (short paper) (in Persian).
  10. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, Unsupervised Grammar Induction using History Based Approach, Computer Speech and Language, Elsevier ltd, Vol. 20, Issue 4, October 2006, pp. 644-658.
  11. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using a Tree-Adjoining Grammar in Translating English into Persian, The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 1(a), Spring 2006, pp. 23-31 (in Persian).
  12. G. Ghassem-Sani and R. Halavati, Employing Domain Knowledge to Improve AI Planning Efficiency, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Vol. 29, No. B1, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, 2005, Iran.
  13. G. Ghassem-Sani and M. Namazi, A New Method of Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Esteghlal Journal of Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 1-13, Esfehan University of Technology, Esfehan, Iran, Summer 2004 (in Persian).

International Conferences

  1. Y. Boreshban, S. M. Mirbostani, S. F. Ahmadi, G. Shojaee, F. Kamani, G. Ghassem-Sani, and S. A. Mirroshandel, RobustQA: A Framework for Adversarial Text Generation Analysis on Question Answering Systems, Accepted to the system demonstration section of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2023), 6-10 December 2023, Resorts World Convention Centre, Singapore, pp. 274-285.
  2. F. Jalali Farahani and G. Ghassem-Sani, BERT-PerNER: a New Model for Persian Named Entity Recognition, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021), 1-3 September 2021, Varna, Bulgaria (Online), pp. 647-654.
  3. M. Gholamalitabarfirouzjaei, A. Nafar, and G. Ghassem-Sani, New Transition Systems for Depenency Parsing of Sentences with Non-Projective Relations, Proceedings of the 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019), 17-19 May 2019, Poznan, Poland, pp. 236-240.
  4. M. Gholamalitabarfirouzjaei, A. Haji Mohammadkhani, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Improving the Accuracy of a Persian Neural Dependency Parser using Ezafe Construction, Proceedings of the 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019), 17-19 May 2019, Poznan, Poland, pp. 227-231.
  5. B. Sabeti and G. Ghassem-Sani, Sentiment Embedded Representation Learning using Auto-Encoders, Proceedings of the 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019), 17-19 May 2019, Poznan, Poland, pp. 108-112.
  6. D. Mohammadifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Output Polishing Methods for Persian-English Machine Translation, Proceedings of the 9th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2019), 17-19 May 2019, Poznan, Poland, pp. 212-216.
  7. D. Mohammadifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Effects of Pre- and Post-Processing on Persian to English SMT, Proceedings of the 8th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2017), 17-19 November 2017, Poznan, Poland, pp. 257-262.
  8. B. Sabeti, P. Hosseini, G. Ghassem-Sani, and S.A. Mirroshandel, LexiPers: An Ontology Based Sentiment Lexicon for Persian, Proceedings of the 2nd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2016), 29 Sep - 2 Oct. 2016, Berlin, Germany, EPiC Series in Computing, Vol. 41, pp. 329-339.
  9. S.A. Mirlohi Falavarjani and G. Ghassem-Sani, Advantages of Dependency Parsing for Free Word Order Natural Languages, Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2015), 24-29 Jan. 2015, Pec pod Snezkou, Czech Republic, LNCS Vol. 8939, pp. 511-518.
  10. M. Mesgar and G. Ghassem-Sani, History Based Unsupervised Data Oriented Parsing, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2013), 7-13 September 2013, Hissar, Bulgaria, pp. 453-459.
  11. M. Eshaghzadeh Torbati, G. Ghassem-Sani, A. Mirroshandel, Y. Yaghoobzadeh, and N. Karimi, Temporal Relation Classification in Persian and English Contexts, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2013), 7-13 September 2013, Hissar, Bulgaria, pp. 261-269.
  12. M. Feyzbakhsh-Rankooh and G. Ghassem-Sani, New Encoding Methods for SAT-based Temporal Planning, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2013), 10-14 June 2013, Rome, Italy, pp. 73-81.
  13. Y. Yaghoobzadeh, G. Ghassem-Sani, A. Mirroshandel, and M. Eshaghzadeh, ISO-TimeML Event Extraction in Persian Text, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics 2012 (COLING 2012), 8-15 December 2012, IIT, Mumbai, India, pp. 2931-2943.
  14. M. Feyzbakhsh-Rankooh, A. Mahjoob, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using Satisfiability for Non-Optimal Temporal Planning, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2012), 26-28 September 2012, Toulouse, France, LNCS Vol. 7519, pp. 176-188.
  15. N. Mostafazadeh, O. Bakhshandeh-Babarsad, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Formal Verification of Temporal Questions in the Context of Query-Answering Text Summarization, Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2012 (CAAI 2012), 28-30 May 2012, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, LNAI Vol. 7310, pp. 350-355.
  16. N. Moosavi and G. Ghassem-Sani, Unsupervised Coreference Resolution Using a Multi-pass Graph Labeling Approach, Proceedings of the 5th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2011), 25-27 November 2011, Poznan, Poland, pp. 182-186.
  17. A. Mirroshandel and G. Ghassem-Sani, Temporal Relation Classification Using Dependency Convolution Tree Kernels, Proceedings of the 5th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2011), 25-27 November 2011, Poznan, Poland, pp. 146-150.
  18. M. Feyzbakhsh-Rankooh and G. Ghassem-Sani, A Complete State-Space Based Temporal Planner, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2011), 7-9 November 2011, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 297-304.
  19. A. Mirroshandel, G. Ghassem-Sani, and A. Nasr, Active Learning Strategies for Support Vector Machines, Application to Temporal Relation Classification, Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2011), 8-13 November 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp. 56-64.
  20. A. Mirroshandel and G. Ghassem-Sani, Temporal Relation Extraction Using Expectation Maximization, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2011), 12-14 September 2011, Hissar, Bulgaria, pp. 218-225.
  21. N. Mostafazadeh, A. Mirroshandel,G. Ghassem-Sani, and O. Bakhshandeh-Babarsad, Pazesh: A Graph-Based Approach to Increase Readability of Automatic Text Summaries, Proceedings of the 24th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2011 (CAAI 2011), 25-27 May 2011, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, LNAI Vol. 6657, pp. 313-318.
  22. A. Mirroshandel and G. Ghassem-Sani, Temporal Relations Learning with a Bootstrapped Cross-document Classifier, Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010), 16-20 Aug. 2010, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 829-834.
  23. A. Mirroshandel, G. Ghassem-Sani, and M. Khayyamian, Using Tree Kernels for Classifying Temporal Relations between Events, Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference o Language, Information and Computation (Paclic23), 3-5 December 2009, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Volume 1, pp. 355-364.
  24. A. Mirroshandel, M. Khayyamian, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Event-Time Temporal Relation Classification Using Syntactic Tree Kernels, Proceedings of the 4th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2009), 6-8 November 2009, Poznan, Poland, pp. 300-304.
  25. H. Rahmani, G. Ghassem-Sani, and H. Abolhassani, Automatic Web Service Composition Considering User Non-Functional Preferences, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Next Generation Web Service Practices (NWeSP 2008), 20-22 Oct. 2008, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 33-38.
  26. A. Mirroshandel and G. Ghassem-Sani, Unsupervised Grammar Induction Using a Parent Based Constituent Context Model, Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008), 21-25 Jul. 2008, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, pp. 293-297.
  27. F. Nargesian and G. Ghassem-Sani, LHTNDT: Learning HTN Method Preconditions Using Decision Trees, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO2008), 11-15 May 2008, Funchal, Madeira-Portugal, pp. 60-65.
  28. M. Honarpisheh, G. Ghassem-Sani, and A. Mirroshandel, A Multi-Document Multi-Lingual Automatic Summarization System, Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP2008), 7-12 Jan. 2008, Hyderabad, India, pp. 733-738.
  29. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Planning by Guided Hill-Climbing, Proceedings of the 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI2007), 4-10 November 2007, Aquascalientes, Mexico, LNCS Vol. 4827, pp. 1067-1077.
  30. A. Houshmandan, G. Ghassem-Sani, and H. Nakhost, Integration of Symmetry and Macro-Operators in Planning, Proceedings of the 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI2007), 4-10 November 2007, Aguascaientes, Mexico, LNCS Vol. 4827, pp. 1056-1066.
  31. A. Mirroshandel, G. Ghassem-Sani, and M. Honarpisheh, Using of the Constituent Context Model to Induce a Grammar for a Free Word Order Language: Persian, Proceedings of the 3rd Language and Technology (LTC 2007), 5-7 October 2007, Poznan, Poland, pp. 443-447.
  32. J. Safaei and G. Ghassem-Sani, Incremental Learning of Planning Operators in Stochastic Domains, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2007), 20-26 Jan. 2007, Harrachov, Czech Republic, LNCS Vol. 4362, pp. 644-655.
  33. S. Shahbazi, G. Ghassem-Sani, H. Rabiee, M. Ghanbari and M. Dehghan, ADIAN: A Distributed Intelligent Ad-hoc Network, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2006), 27-30 Dec. 2006, Guwahati, India, pp. 27-39.
  34. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, History Based Inside-Outside Algorithm, Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2006), 29 Aug. - 1st Sep. 2006, Riva Del Garda, Italy, pp. 558-562.
  35. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, One Step toward a Richer Model of Unsupervised Grammar Induction, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005), 21-23 Sep. 2005, Borovets, Bulgaria, pp. 197-203.
  36. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Automatic Learning of Actions Priorities, Proceedings of the 8th IASTEAD International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2004), pp. 255-259, 1-3 Sep. 2004, Marbella, Spain.
  37. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, An Application of Lexicalized Grammars in English-Persian Translation, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2004), 24-27 Aug. 2004,Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, pp. 596-600.
  38. G. Ghassem-Sani, R. Halavati, and S.E. Hashemian, Hierarchical/Heuristic Partial Order Planner (H2POP), Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02), 24-27 June, 2002,Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Vol. III, pp. 1314-1319.
  39. G. Ghassem-Sani and S. Steel, Recursive Plans, Proceedings of the European Workshop on Planning (EWSP'91), March 1991, Sankt Augustin, Germany, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, Vol. 522, pp. 53-63.

Iranian National Conferences

  1. M. Ershad, R. Zandie, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Extracting Temporal Relations in Persian Texts, using Machine Learning Techniques, Proceedings of the 21st Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2016), 8-10 March 2016, Institute for Research in Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran, pp. 863-869 (in Persian).
  2. A. Babadi, P. Ghiathnejhad-Omran, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using Machine Learning in Lemmatization of Persian Words, Proceedings of the 18th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2013), 12-14 March 2013, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
  3. A. Niknejad and G. Ghassem-Sani, Design and Implementation of a Semantic Level Persian-English Translator Prototype, Proceedings of the 14th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2009), 11-12 March 2009, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (short paper) (in Persian).
  4. N. Moosavi and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using a Maximum Entropy Classifier and Ranker in Persian Pronoun Resolution, Proceedings of the 14th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2009), 11-12 March 2009, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
  5. A. Mirroshandel, G. Ghassem-Sani, and H. Nakhost, Supervised Grammar Induction using the Viterbi Algorithm, Proceedings of the 14th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2009), 11-12 March 2009, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (short paper) (in Persian).
  6. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Directing the Search in the Fast Forward Planning, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Int. CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2008), Springer Verlag Pub., 9-11 Feb. 2008, Kish Island, Iran (short paper).
  7. M. Feyzbakhsh, R. Sadraei, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Unsupervised Morphology of Persian Words, Proceedings of the 13th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2008), 9-11 Feb. 2008, Kish Island, Iran (short paper) (in Persian).
  8. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Evaluating the Constant Weight in WA*, The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Society of Iran, (short paper) (in Persian).
  9. N. Ghanbari Ghooshchi and G. Ghassem-Sani, Extending SAT-PLAN to Handle Iterative Actions, Proceedings of the 12th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2007), 20-22 Feb. 2007, Tehran, Iran, pp. 1624-1629.
  10. E. Soroush, A. Akramifar, and G. Ghassem-Sani, A More Informative Heuristic Function for the Fast Forward Planning, Proceedings of the 11th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2006), 24-26 Jan. 2006, Tehran, Iran, Vol. II, pp. 303-307.
  11. N. Montazeri, G. Ghassem-Sani, and H. Sameti, A Fast and Robust Parser Based on the Viterbi Algorithm, Proceedings of the 11th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2006), 24-26 Jan. 2006, Tehran, Iran, Vol. II, pp. 473-478.
  12. R. Hesamifard and G. Ghassem-Sani, A Stemming Algorithm for the Persian Words, Proceedings of the 11th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2006), 24-26 Jan. 2006, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 515-519 (in Persian).
  13. A. Taherinia, A. Akramifar, and G. Ghassem-Sani, Generating Low Cost Plans in Weighed Domains, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Int. CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2006), 24-26 Jan. 2006, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 842-845 (in Persian) (Poster Presentation).
  14. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using Unification Grammars in English-Persian Translation, Proceedings of the 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2005), 15-17 Feb. 2005, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 936-944 (in Persian).
  15. S. Shahbazi and G. Ghassem-Sani, Application of Distributed Artificial Intelligence in Modeling Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Int. CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2005), 15-17 Feb. 2005, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 924-935 (in Persian).
  16. A. Akramifar and G. Ghassem-Sani, Automatic Learning of Applicable actions in Domain Independent Planning, Proceedings of the 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2005), 15-17 Feb. 2005, Tehran, Iran, Vol. II, pp. 621-628 (in Persian) (Poster Presentation).
  17. M. Saniee, G. Ghassem-Sani, and J. Habibi, Accelerating Partial Order Planners Using a Fuzzy Genetics-Based Learning Algorithm, Proceedings of the 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2005), 15-17 Feb. 2005, Tehran, Iran, Vol. II, pp. 257-264.
  18. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using a Decision Tree Approach for Ambiguity Resolution in Machine Translation, Proceedings of the 10th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2005), 15-17 Feb. 2005, Tehran, Iran, Vol. II, pp. 252-256.
  19. E. Hashemian and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using Meta-Planning to Control a Domain Independent Planner, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Int. CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2004), 17-19 Feb. 2004, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 206-213 (in Persian).
  20. K. Ghiathi and G. Ghassem-Sani, Applying Satisfiability To Temporal Planning, Proceedings of the 9th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2004), 17-19 Feb. 2004, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 214-223 (in Persian).
  21. H. Feili and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using Using Tree Adjoining Grammar in English-Persian Translation, Proceedings of the 9th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2004), 17-19 Feb. 2004, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 639-647 (in Persian).
  22. G. Ghassem-Sani and A. Akramifar, Improving Forward Planning by Learning Applicable Actions Priorities, Proceedings of the 9th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2004), 17-19 Feb. 2004, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 648-655 (in Persian).
  23. R. Salari, G. Ghassem-Sani, and R. Halavati, Domain Preprocessing in AI Planning, Proceedings of the 9th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2004), 17-19 Feb. 2004, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Vol. I, pp. 664-673 (in Persian).
  24. S. Haratizadeh and G. Ghassem-Sani, Appliction of Reactive Planning in Dynamic Distributed Domains, Proceedings of the 9th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2004), 17-19 Feb. 2004, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Vol. II, pp. 86-93 (in Persian) (Poster Presentation).
  25. G. Ghassem-Sani and G. Cheraghi, A Distributed Intelligent Document Retrieval System with Learning Capability, Proceedings of the 7th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2002), 26-28 Feb. 2002, Iran Telecom Research Center, Tehran, Iran. pp. 429-438 (in Persian).
  26. M. Zohrabzadeh and G. Ghassem-Sani, Using Reactive Planning to Control Soccer Player Robots, Proceedings of the 6th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2001), 20-22 Jan. 2001, University of Esfehan, Esfehan, Iran. pp. 480-490 (in Persian).
  27. G. Ghassem-Sani and M. Namazi, A new Method for Solving Consistent Labeling Problems, Proceedings of the 5th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2000), 7-9 March 2000, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. pp. 216-225 (in Persian).
  28. G. Ghassem-Sani and A. Soleimani, A Syntactical English to Persian Translator, using the Chart Parsing Method, Proceedings of the 5th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'2000), 7-9 March 2000, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. pp. 226-233 (in Persian).
  29. G. Ghassem-Sani and R. Refeh, Implementation of an Automatic Theorem Prover Prototype, Proceedings of the 4th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'98), 26-28 Jan. 1999, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. pp. 92-99 (in Persian).
  30. G. Ghassem-Sani and A. Abdal, Implementation of an Automatic Programming System Prototype, using the Deductive Synthesis Method, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'97), 23-25 Dec. 1997, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. pp. 49-55 (in Persian).
  31. G. Ghassem-Sani and M. Shokouhi, Design and Implementation of a Temporal Planner, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC'97), 23-25 Dec. 1997, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. pp. 26-32 (in Persian).
  32. M. Sabdar and G. Ghassem-Sani, A Testbed for Modeling a Network of Intelligent Agents, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent and Cognitive Systems, 23-26 Sep. 1996, Intelligent Systems Research Faculty, Tehran, Iran. pp. 128-133 (in Persian).
Courses Taught
  • CS-E4002 - Special Course in Computer Science: Compilers,
    (Sp20 and Su20) (Department of Computer Science of Aalto University, Finland).
  • 40-414 - Compiler Design,
    (Sp93, Fa93, Fa94, Fa95, Fa96, Fa97, Fa98, Sp99, Sp00, Fa02, Fa03, Sp05, Sp06, Sp08, Sp10, Sp11, Fa11, Sp12, Sp13, Fa13, Sp14, Sp15, Fa15, Sp16, Sp17, Fa17, Sp18, Fa18, Fa20, Sp21, Fa21, Sp22, Fa22, Sp23, Fa23, and Sp24).
  • 40-417 - Artificial Intelligence,
    (Sp94, Sp95, Sp96, Sp97, Sp98, Sp99, Fa99, Fa00, Sp01, Fa01, Sp02, Sp03, Fa04, Fa05, Fa07, Fa08, Sp09, Fa09, Sp10, Fa10, Sp11, Fa12, Fa13, Sp14, Fa14, and Sp22).
  • 40-614 - Advanced Compiler Design,
  • 40-627 - Distributed Artificial Intelligence,
    (Fa94, Fa95, Fa99, Fa01, and Fa02).
  • 40-637 - Artificial Intelligence Planning,
    (Sp95, Fa96, Fa98, Sp00, Sp01, Sp02, Sp03, Fa03, Sp04, Sp05, Fa05, Fa06, Fa07, Fa08, Fa09, Fa10, Fa11, Fa12, Sp14, Sp16, Sp17, Sp18, Sp19, Fa20, Fa21, Fa22, and Fa23).
  • 40-677 - Natural Language Processing,
    (Fa03, Fa04, Sp06, Sp07, Sp09, Sp10, Sp11, Sp12, Sp13, Fa13, Fa14, Fa16, Fa17, and Fa18).
  • 40-936 - Expert Systems,
    (Sp96, Sp97, Sp99, and Fa00).
Postgraduate Students

Ph.D. Students

  1. Mr. Nima Hemati
  2. Dr. Yasaman Boreshban
  3. Dr. Masood Feyzbakhsh Rankooh
  4. Dr. Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel
  5. Dr. Hesham Feili
  6. Dr. Seyed Ali Akramifar

M.Sc. Students

  1. Ms. Farane Jalali Farahani
  2. Mr. Hamid Mohayeji Nasrabadi
  3. Mr. Sina Hamidian Shoormasti
  4. Ms. Maryam Gholamalitabar Firouzjaei
  5. Mr. Reza Akhoondzadeh Noghabi
  6. Mr. Davood Mohammadifar
  7. Mr. Behnam Sabeti
  8. Mr. Seyed Amin Mirlohi
  9. Mr. Rohollah Zandieh
  10. Mr. Hossein Hajizadeh Safar
  11. Ms. Sima Jamali
  12. Mr. Mahdi Ershad Esfehanian
  13. Mr. Pooya Ghiasnejhad Omran
  14. Mr. Amin Babadi
  15. Mr. Mojtaba Elahi
  16. Mr. Shayan Afrasiabi
  17. Ms. Mahbaneh Eshaghi Torbati
  18. Mr. Ali Mahjoob
  19. Mr. Yoosef Alizadeh Ghaniabadi
  20. Mr. Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh
  21. Mr. Mohsen Mesgar
  22. Mr. Hossein Khademi Khaledi
  23. Mr. Seyed Ali Niknejhad
  24. Ms. Nafisehsadat Moosavi
  25. Mr. Reza Sadraei
  26. Mr. Hossein Rahmani
  27. Mr. Amirali Hooshmandan
  28. Ms. Maryam Khordad
  29. Mr. Mohammadali Honarpisheh
  30. Ms. Fatemeh Nargesian
  31. Mr. Hootan Nakhost
  32. Mr. Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel
  33. Ms. Zahra Nikdel
  34. Ms. Nina Ghanbari Ghooshchi
  35. Mr. Javad Safaei Mehranpour
  36. Mr. Reza Jourabpourian
  37. Ms. Niloofar Montazeri
  38. Mr. Saeed Shabazi
  39. Mr. Seyed Ebrahim Hashemian
  40. Mr. Saman Haratizadeh
  41. Mr. Hossein Tavakoli
  42. Mr. Mohammadreza Sabdar
Last modified: Aug. 2024