Personal information:
Name: Arash Rastegar
Citizenship: Iranian
Date of birth: August 27th 1973
Place of birth: Tehran, Iran
Marital status: Married with two twin children
Permanent address:
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Sharif University of Technology (SUT)
P.O. Box 11155-9415 Tehran
High school education:
(1986-1989): Motahhari high-school in Dowlat st., Tehran.
(1989-1990): Physics olympiad camp in Shahid-Beheshti University.
(1990-1993): B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from Sharif University of Technology.
(1993-1998): Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Princeton University under supervision of professor
Andrew Wiles. Thesis title: "On congruences between Drinfeld modular forms."