In the name of God

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Name :Iran-Alemzadeh

Phone Number:+21-6165486

Grade: Ph.D.

    BBRC, Chemical and  Petroleum Engineering Department,

  Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box 11365-6891, Tehran IRAN

Fax: 0098-21-6012983


Research Intrests:

Enzyme Technology, Food Science

Food Technology, Food Quality Control

Water and Wastewater Treatment, Controlled Release


B.Sc. Chemistry Science and Engineering, 1972, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran IRAN.

M.Sc. Food Science and Technology, 1978, Institute National des Science Appliquees (INSA), Toulouse  FRANCE.

Ph.D. Food Science and Technology, 1982, Institute National des Science Appliquees (INSA)Toulouse France.

Honors and Awards 

Sharif University of Technology, Graduate fellowship(78-79), French Government and Sharif University (78-82).

Selected woman, awarded the special Honor Diploma of the festival: The first Scientific, cultural and artistic of the Renowned Woman of IRAN, 16-19 June 1999, Tehran.

Sharif University of Technology, awarded for publication and presentation the papers,   during 2001 and 2002, year, Tehran. 


 Assistant, Sharif University of Technology 1972-1978

Assistant Professor, Sharif University of Technology 1982-1997

Sabbatical, research Assistant Kansas State University (KSU), Manhattan Kansas 1991-1992

Associate Professor, Sharif University of Technology 1997 

Professor, Sharif University of Technology 2001

Teaching Experiences

Teaching assistant,. Sharif University 76-78

Taught courses at undergraduate levels including: Food Biochemistry, Food Chemistry,. Industrial Biochemistry Sharif University 1982- present.

Taught courses at graduate levels, Enzyme  Technology, Sharif University 1995-present. Food Biotechnology and Enzyme  (production and Purification) Lab 1998-present.

Research Assistant

Research assistant, Sharif University 72-78, Wastewater Treatment.

Research assistant INSA Toulouse, France 78-82, Enzyme Engineering, use of free and immobilized enzyme in hydrolyzing sucrose.

Postdoctoral Research Assistant, KSU Manhattan Kansas USA 1991-1992, Food Technology and Controlled Release, Environmental Engineering.

Membership in Technical Societies

Member of Iranian Food Science and Technology Association

Member of Iranian Chemical Engineering Association

Member of Iranian Environmental Association

Member of Polymer Association


. Books:  Enzyme Processing, 1998

- Food Biochemistry, Food Chemistry,     

 -Enzyme Lab, Industrial biochemistry


1.“Invertase covalent grafting onto corn stove” P. Monsan, D. Combs and I. Alemzadeh. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 24, 658-664 (1984).

 2.“ Hydrolysis Kinetics of lactose in cheese whey using immobilized beta Galactosidase “ I. Alemzadeh, Iranian J. Chem Eng. 10, 50-54(1991) (English and persian).

 3. ” Treatment of dairy wastewater using pilot scale” M. Vosoughi and I. Alemzadeh,  J. Eng.IRI5,3,4(1994).

4.” Preparation of  pullulan biopolymer and kinetics of production” I. Alemzadeh and  M. Vosoughi, J. Polymer Sci. and Technol. 7,3 (1994) (Persian).

5. “Controlled release of nutrient from hydrogel biopolymers” M. Vosoughi and I.Alemzadeh, J. Polymer Sci. and Technol. 7,2 (1994).

6. Controlled release of herbicide from a water - insoluble polysaccharide hydrogel produced by Cellumonas flanigena” M.Vosoughi , I. Alemzadeh and L.T.Fan, Iranian J. Of  Sci. & Technol. 21,(20) (1997).  

7. “ Evaluation of water soluble drug release from a polymer” I. Alemzadeh, m. Vosoughi and A. Ahmari, second Int. Conference of Polymer Sci and Technology, 3-5 Nov.1997, Tehran.  

8.“ Use of date honey in the formulation of nutritious creamy food” I.Alemzadeh, M.Vosoughi,A.Keshavarz and V. Maghsoodi, IR. Agric Res. 16 (2), (1998).  

9. “Date honey in the processing of a nutritious creamy food” I.Alemzadeh, M.Vosoughi, A.Keshavarz and V.Maghsoudi, 13th International congress on Agricultural Eng. 2-6 Fev.1998, Rabat(Morocco).

10.“ Controlled release of acetaminophene from polyethyl cellulose polymer delivery system” I. Alemzadeh and M. Vosoughi  Polymer Sci. and Technol. 12,(3), (1999)(IRI).  

11.“ Role of enzyme in food processing” I. Alemzadeh, 5th national congress of    Nutrition September 1999, Tehran.

 12. “ Glucose removal by Enzymatic method, Industrial application” I. Alemzadeh and M. Vosoughi, Achema 2000, 22-27 May, Frankfurt. Germany. . .  

 13. “ Controlled release of paraquat from poly vinyl alcohol hydrogel” I. Alemzadeh and M. Vosoughi, Chemical Engineering and Processing (2001).

14. “ Optimal conditions in pectin production” I. Alemzadeh, A.Safekordi and D. Kahforushan, 6thNational  Chemical Engineering Congress, May, 8-11,2001, Esfahan.