Mohammad Ali Abam

Office: 716 (CE Building)

Phone: +98 (21) 6616-6653 Fax: +98 (21) 6601-9246




[Education]  [Profession] [Research Interests] [Teaching] [Publications] [Awards] [Other Activities]





·         Ph.D. in Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004-2007

·         M.S. in Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1999-2001

·         B.S. in Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1995-1999

·         Diploma in Math. And Physics, Roshd High School, 1991-1995


·         Associate Professor‎, ‎Sharif University of Technology‎, ‎2022-present‎

·         Assistant Professor‎, ‎Sharif University of Technology‎, ‎2011-2022‎

·         Postdoc in Computer Science‎, ‎Dortmund University‎, ‎Germany‎, ‎2010

·         Postdoc in Computer Science‎, ‎MADALGO center‎, ‎Aarhus‎, ‎Denamrk‎, ‎2008-2009‎

Research Interests

·         Discrete and Computational Geometry‎

·         Massive Data ‎Algorithms

·         ‎Randomized ‎and Approximation Algorithms


·         Discrete ‎Structures‎

·         ‎Data ‎Structures‎

·         ‎Algorithm ‎Design‎

·         ‎Randomized ‎Algorithms‎

·         Approximation ‎Algorithms‎

·         ‎Computational ‎Geometry‎

·        Massive ‎Data ‎Algorithms‎‎


1.    M. A. Abam. Spanners for Geodesic Graphs and Visibility Graphs. To appear in Algorithmica.

2.    M. A. Abam, F. Baharifard, M. S. Borouni, and H. Zarrabi-Zadeh. Fault-Tolerant Spanners in Networks with Symmetric Directional Antennas. International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM), 2017.

3.    M. A. Abam, M. de Berg, and M. J. Rezaei Seraji. Geodesic Spanners for Points on a Polyhedral Terrain. ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2017.

4.    P‎. ‎Khanteimouri‎, ‎A‎. ‎Mohades‎, ‎M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, and ‎M‎. ‎R‎. ‎Kazemi. ‎Efficiently Approximating Color-Spanning Balls. ‎ Theor. Comput. Sci. 634: 120-126 ().

5.    ‎M. A. Abam, S. Alipour, M. Ghodsi and M.Mahdian. Visibility Testing and Counting for Uncertain Segments. EuroCG, 2016. ‎The full text was submitted to Information Processing Letters.

6.    Z‎. ‎Rahmati‎, ‎M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎V‎. ‎King‎, ‎S‎. ‎Whitesides, and Sue Whitesides‎‎. ‎Kinetic k-Semi-Yao Graph and its Applications‎. ‎To ‎be ‎published ‎in‎ Computational Geometry‎: ‎Theory and ‎Applications, ‎2016.‎

7.    ‎Z‎. ‎Rahmati‎, ‎M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎V‎. ‎King‎, ‎S‎. ‎Whitesides‎, ‎and A‎. ‎Zarei‎. A ‎S‎imple‎, ‎Faster Method for Kinetic Proximity Problems‎.Computational Geometry‎: ‎Theory and Applications, ‎48(4)‎: ‎342-359‎, ‎2015‎.

8.    ‎ M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎M‎. ‎Adeli‎, ‎H‎. ‎Homapour‎, ‎P‎. ‎Z‎. ‎Asadollahpoor‎. Geometric Spanners for Points Inside a Polygonal Domain‎. ‎In Proc‎. International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), ‎page‎: ‎186-197‎, ‎2015‎.

9.    ‎M. ‎A. ‎Abam, ‎M. ‎J. ‎RezaeiSeraji, ‎and ‎M. ‎Shadravan. Online ‎C‎onflict-Free Coloring of ‎Intervals‎, Journal of ScientiaIranica, ‎21(6):2138-2141, ‎(2014).‎

10.  ‎M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎S‎. ‎Daneshpajouh‎, ‎L‎. ‎Deleuran‎, ‎S‎. ‎Ehsani‎, ‎and M‎. ‎Ghodsi‎. Computing ‎H‎omotopic Line Simplification‎. Computational Geometry‎: ‎Theory and Applications‎, ‎47(7)‎: ‎728-739 (2014).‎

11.  ‎Z‎. ‎Rahmati‎, ‎M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎V‎. ‎King‎, ‎and S‎. ‎Whitesides‎. Kinetic Data Structures for the Semi-Yao Graph and All Nearest Neighbors in R^d‎. ‎In Proc‎. Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry‎, ‎2014‎.

12.  ‎P‎. ‎Khanteimouri‎, ‎A‎. ‎Mohades‎, ‎M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎M‎. ‎R‎. ‎Kazemi‎. ‎Spanning Colored Points with Intervals‎. ‎In Proc‎. Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry‎, ‎2013‎.

13.  ‎P‎. ‎Khanteimouri‎, ‎A‎. ‎Mohades‎, ‎M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎M‎. ‎R‎. ‎Kazemi‎. Computing the Smallest Color-Spanning Axis-Parallel Square‎. ‎In Proc‎. ‎ International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC) ‎, ‎pages 634-643‎, ‎2013‎.

14.  ‎ M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎Z‎. ‎Rahmati‎, ‎and A‎. ‎Zarei‎. Kinetic Pie Delaunay Graph and Its Applications‎. ‎In Proc‎. ‎Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT) ‎, ‎pages 48-58‎, ‎2012‎.

15.  ‎ M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎B‎. ‎Aronov‎, ‎M‎. ‎de Berg‎, ‎and A‎. ‎Khosravi‎. Approximation ‎A‎lgorithms for Computing Partitions with Minimum Stabbing Number of Rectilinear and Simple Polygons‎. ‎In Proc‎. ‎ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) ‎, ‎pages 407--416‎, ‎2011‎.

16.  ‎ M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎M‎. ‎de Berg‎, ‎and A‎. ‎Khosravi‎. Piecewise-Linear Approximations of Uncertain Functions‎. ‎In Proc‎. ‎Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS) ‎, ‎pages 1--12‎, ‎2009‎.

17.  ‎ M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam and S‎. ‎Har-Peled‎. New ‎C‎onstructions of SSPDs and their Applications‎. ‎In Proc‎. ‎ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) ‎, ‎pages 192--200‎, ‎2010‎. ‎The full text was published in Computational Geometry‎: ‎Theory and Applications‎.

18.  M‎. ‎A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎M‎. ‎de Berg‎, ‎M‎. ‎Farshi‎, ‎J‎. ‎Gudmundsson‎, ‎and M‎. ‎Smid‎. Geometric Spanners for Weighted Point Sets‎. ‎In Proc‎. ‎Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), ‎pages 190--2012‎, ‎2009‎. The full text was published in Algorithmica‎.

19.  M.A‎. ‎Abam‎, ‎P‎. ‎Carmi‎, ‎M‎. ‎Farshi‎, ‎and M‎. ‎Smid‎. ‎On the Power of Semi-Separated Pair Decomposition‎. ‎In Proc‎. Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS) ‎, ‎pages 1--12‎, ‎2009‎. ‎The full text was published in Computational Geometry‎: ‎Theory and Applications.

20.  ‎M.A‎. ‎Abam and M‎. ‎de Berg‎. ‎Kinetic Spanners in R^d‎. ‎In Proc‎. ACM Symp‎. ‎On Computational Geometry (SoCG) ‎, ‎pages 43--50‎, ‎2009‎. ‎The full text was published in a a special issue of Discrete and Computational Geometry dedicated to the best papers from SoCG 2009‎.

21.  ‎M. A. Abam and M. de Berg‎, ‎and S-H. Poon‎. ‎Fault-Tolerant Conflict-Free Coloring‎. ‎In Proc‎. Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG)‎, ‎pages 95--98‎, ‎2008‎.

22.  ‎ M. A. Abam and M. de Berg‎, ‎and J. Gudmundsson‎. ‎A Simple and Efficient Kinetic Spanner‎. ‎In Proc‎. ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG)‎, ‎pages 306--310‎, ‎2008‎. The full text was published in a a special issue of Computational Geometry‎: ‎Theory and Applications dedicated to the best papers from SoCG 2008‎.

23.  M. A. Abam.  New Data Structures and Algorithms for Mobile Data.  Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department, Eindhoven Univesity of Technology, 2007.

24.  ‎M. A. Abam and M. de Berg‎, ‎P‎. ‎Hachenberger‎, ‎and A‎. ‎Zarei‎. ‎Streaming Algorithms for Line Simplification‎. ‎In Proc. ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), ‎pages 175--183‎, ‎2007‎. ‎The full text was published in Discrete and Computational Geometry‎.

25.  ‎M. A. Abam and M. de Berg‎, ‎and B. Speckmann‎. ‎Kinetic kd-‎T‎ree and Longest-Side kd-Tree‎. ‎In Proc‎. ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG)‎, ‎pages 364--372‎, ‎2007‎. ‎The full text was published in SIAM Journal on Computing‎.

26.  ‎M. A. Abam‎, ‎M. de Berg‎, ‎M. Farshi‎, ‎and J. Gudmundsson‎. ‎Region-‎F‎ault Tolerant Geometric Spanners‎. ‎In Proc‎. ACM-SIAM Symposium ‎on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)‎, ‎pages 1--10‎, ‎2007‎. The full text was published in Discrete and Computational Geometry dedicated to the best geometry papers from SODA 2007‎.

27.  ‎M. A. Abam and M. de Berg‎, ‎S-H. Poon‎, ‎and B. Speckmann‎. ‎Kinetic Collision Detection for Convex Fat Objects‎. ‎In Proc. European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), ‎pages 4--15‎, ‎2006‎. ‎The full text was published in a special issue of the Springer journal Algorithmica dedicated to the best papers from ESA 2006‎.

28.  ‎M. A. Abam‎, ‎P. K‎. ‎Agarwal‎, ‎M. de Berg‎, ‎and H. Yu‎. ‎Out-of-Order Event Processing in Kinetic Data Structures‎. ‎In Proc‎. European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), ‎pages 624--635‎, ‎2006‎. ‎The full text was published in the Springer journal Algorithmica‎.

29.  ‎ M. A. Abam and M. Ghodsi‎. ‎An Approximation Algorithm for d1-‎O‎ptimal Motion of a Rod Robot with Fixed Rotations‎. ‎International Journal of Computer Mathematics‎, ‎83:357--370‎, ‎2006‎.

30.  M. A. Abam and M. de Berg‎. ‎Kinetic Sorting and Kinetic Convex Hulls‎. ‎In Proc‎. ‎ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), ‎pages 190--197‎, ‎2005‎. ‎The full text was published in a special issue of Computational Geometry‎: ‎Theory and Applications dedicated to the best papers from SoCG 2005.

31.  M. A. Abam.  Motion Planning for Non-Point Robots.  M.Sc Thesis, Computer Engineering Department, Sharif Univesity of Technology,  2001.

32.  M. A. Abam.  Parallel Generation of  River Networks on TIN.  B.Sc Thesis, Computer Engineering Department, Sharif Univesity of Technology, 1999.


·         Soboti-Khajepour Prize dedicated to the best researcher under 40 years old in Computer Science in Iran

·         Bronze Medal in the 36th International Mathematical Olympiad in Canada

·         Gold Medal in the Iranian Mathematical Olympiad

Other Activities

·         Invited to Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Geometry, 2017.

·         Member of International Committee (IC)‎, ‎International Olympiad in Informatics‎, ‎2013-present‎.

·         Chair of National Committee‎, ‎Iranian National Olympiad in Informatics‎, ‎2011-present.

·         Chair of Scientific Committee‎, ‎ACM Programming Contest‎, ‎West Asia Region‎, ‎2012-present.

·         Member of Program Committee‎, ‎International Symposium on Computational Geometry, 2016.

·         Member of Program Committee‎, ‎Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry‎, ‎2015‎.

·         Member of Program Committee‎, ‎Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry‎, ‎2014.

·         ‎Invited to Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Geometry, 2009.

·         Invited to Dagstuhl Seminar on Data Structures, 2008.