Personal Details

Seyed Abolfazl Hosseini, Associate Professor

Contact Information

Postal Address:

Department of Energy Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Phone Numbers:

Work: +98 21 6616 6107(Office)


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Statement of Research Interests

Current Courses


 A-Journal papers (ISI)


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., Ghofrani, M.B., and Gharib, M., 2010., Calculation, measurement and sensitivity analysis of kinetic parameters of Tehran Research Reactor., Annals of Nuclear Energy, 37, pp. 463-470.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2010., Uncertainty evaluation of calculated and measured kinetics parameters of Tehran Research Reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240, pp. 2761-2767


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N and  Hosseini, M.,  2011., Monte Carlo simulation of Feynman-alpha and Rossi-alpha techniques for calculation of kinetic parameters of Tehran Research Reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 5, pp. 2140–2145.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2012., Neutron noise simulation by GFEM and unstructured triangle elements. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 253, pp. 238-258.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2013. Development of two-dimensional, multigroup neutron diffusion computer code based on GFEM with unstructured triangle elements. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 51, pp. 213-226.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2013. On a various source reconstruction algorithms in VVER-1000 reactor core. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 261, pp. 132-143.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2014. Noise source reconstruction using ANN and hybrid methods in VVER-1000 reactor core. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 71, pp. 232-247.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., Zangian, M., 2015. Development of MCNPX-ESUT computer code for simulation of neutron/gamma pulse height distribution. Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A, 782,pp. 112-119.


Hosseini, S.A., Saadatian, F., 2015. Galerkin and Generalized Least Squares finite element: A comparative study for multi-group diffusion solvers. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 85, pp.473-490.


Shahbinejad, H., Hosseini, S.A., Sohrabpour, M., 2016.  A new neutron energy spectrum unfolding code using a two steps genetic algorithm. Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A, 811,pp. 82-93.


Hosseini, S.A., 2016. Neutron spectrum unfolding using artificial neural network and modified least square method. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 126, pp. 75-84.


Hosseini, S.A., 2016. Development of Galerkin Finite Element Method Three-dimensional Computational Code for the Multigroup Neutron Diffusion Equation with Unstructured Tetrahedron Elements. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 48, pp.43-54.


Hosseini, S.A., 2016. 3D neutron diffusion computational code based on GFEM with unstructured tetrahedron elements: A comparative study for linear and quadratic approximations. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 92, pp.119-132.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2016. Development of 3D neutron noise simulator based on GFEM with unstructured tetrahedron elements. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 97, pp. 132-141.


Hosseini, S.A., 2016. Sensitivity Analysis of the Galerkin Finite Element Method Neutron Diffusion Solver to the Shape of the Elements. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 49, pp.29-42.


Hosseini, S.A., Esmaili Paee Afrakoti, I., 2017. Energy spectra unfolding of fast neutron sources using the group method of data handling and decision tree algorithms. Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A, 851,pp. 5-9.


Hosseini, S.A., Esmaili Paee Afrakoti, I., I., 2017. Neutron noise source reconstruction using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in the VVER-1000 reactor core. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 105, pp. 36-44.


Zamzamian, S. M., Hosseini, S.A., Samadfam, M., 2017. Optimization of the marinelli beaker dimensions using genetic algorithm. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 172, pp. 81-88.


Hosseini, S.A., Esmaili Paee Afrakoti, I., 2017. Adaptive group of ink drop spread: a computer code to unfold neutron noise sources in reactor cores. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 49, pp.1369-1378.


Ayyoubzadeh, S.M., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2017. Higher order power reactor noise analysis: The multigroup diffusion model. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 111, pp. 354-370.


Hosseini, S.A., Esmaili Paee Afrakoti, I., 2017. On a various soft computing algorithms for reconstruction of the neutron noise source in the nuclear reactor core. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 114, pp. 19-31.

22 Hosseini, S.A., Zangian, M.,  Aghabozorgi, S., 2018. Simulated and measured neutron/gamma light output distribution for poly-energetic neutron/gamma sources. Journal of Instrumentation, 13, pp. 30-35.

Hosseini, S.A., Esmaili Paee Afrakoti, I., 2018. Evaluation of new neutron energy spectrum unfolding code based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). Journal of Radiation Research.


Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., Vosoughi, J. 2018. Neutron noise simulation using ACNEM in the hexagonal geometry. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 113, pp. 246.255.


Kalhor, P., Changizi, V., Hosseini, S.A., Jazayeri, E., 2018. Optimization of Head CT Protocol to Reduce the Absorbed Dose in Eye Lenses and Thyroid Glands: A Phantom Study. Iranian Journal of Medical Physics. DOI: 10.22038/IJMP.2018.29348.1315.


Hosseini, S.A., 2019. Neutron spectroscopy with soft computing: development of a computational code based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) for reconstruction of neutron energy spectrum. Journal of Instrumentation 14 (02), P02008.

27 Rabi'ee,A., Hosseini, S.A., 2019. Extraction of theoretical equation for the gamma ray buildup factor of the three-layered spherical shield. Journal of Instrumentation 14 (04), P04011.
28 Hosseini, S.A., 2019. High accurate three-dimensional neutron noise simulator based on GFEM with unstructured hexahedral elements. Nuclear Engineering and Technology 51 (6), 1479-1486.
29 Hosseini, S.A., 2019. Neutron spectroscopy with soft computing: unfolding of the neutron energy spectrum using the developed computer code based on Adaptive Group of Ink Drop Spread (AGIDS). Journal of Instrumentation 14 (03), P03028.
30 Hosseini, S.A., Esmaili Paee Afrakoti, I., Mehrabi, M., Zangian, M., 2019. Comparative study between the developed simulators based on the direct and indirect methods for calculation of the energy spectrum of the neutron source. Journal of Instrumentation 14 (11), P11019.
31 Hosseini, S.A., Mehrabi, M., 2020. Simulation of the direct geometry spectrometer for neutron time of flight based on the Monte Carlo method to calculate the energy spectrum of the neutron source. Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A, 949,pp. 162872.
32 Zamzamian, S.M., Hosseini, S.A., Feghhi, S.A., Samadfam, M., 2020. Determining of the optimized dimensions of the Marinelli beaker containing source with inhomogeneous emission rate by using genetic algorithm coupled with MCNP and determining distribution type by neural networks. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 157, pp. 109039.
33 Moeini, H., Hosseini, S.A., 2020. Sensitivity analysis of the transmission factor and resolution of a multiblade neutron velocity selector to the various parameters. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 177, pp. 109092.
34 Razimanesh, M., Hosseini, S.A., 2021. Simulation of the multi-purpose gamma irradiator dose distribution based on the GEANT4 and GPU system. Journal of Instrumentation,16 P07026.
35 Hosseini, S.A., Mohamadbeygi, Sh., 2021. Neutron noise simulator based on the boundary element method (BEM). Annals of Nuclear Energy, 159, pp. 108327.
36 Niknami, M., Hosseini, S.A., Ebrahimi, M., 2021. Sensitivity analysis of the efficiency of Compton camera to the detector parameters using the GEANT4 computer code‏. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 176, pp. 109883.
37 Asadi, A., Hosseini, S.A., 2021. Investigation of the gamma-ray shielding performance of the B2O3-Bi2O3-ZnO-Li2O glasses based on the Monte Carlo approach‏. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 189, pp. 109784.
38 Hosseini, S.A., 2018. 3D Computational Code for Calculation of Kineric Parameters Based on Galerkin Finite Element Method. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JonSat), 38 (4), pp. 1-9.
39 Ghorbanzadeh, M., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi Vadat, B., Akhavan, A., Arabi, H., 2021. Comparative study of analytical metal artifact reduction methods in CT imaging. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JonSat).
40 Asadi, A., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2021. Modelling and validation of proton beam for spot scanning system with GATE software. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JonSat).
41 Khodajou-Chokami, H., Hosseini, S.A., Mohammadi, M. 2021. A measuring tool devoted to improve the evaluation of image parameters for quality assurance/quality control programs of CT scanners. Iranian Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 9(1): 65-78
42 Asadi, A., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2021. Modelling and validation of proton beam for spot scanning system with GATE software. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JonSat).
43 Asadi, A., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2021. Calculation of secondary neutron absorbed dose in spot scanning proton therapy method using GATE simulator. Iranian Journal of Radiation Safety and Measurement, 9(2), 6
44 Khodajou-Chokami, H., Hosseini, S.A., Ay, MR., 2022. PARS-NET: a novel deep learning framework using parallel residual conventional neural networks for sparse-view CT reconstruction. , 17 P02011.
45 Khodajou-Chokami, H., Hosseini, S.A., Ay, MR., 2022. A deep learning method for high-quality ultra-fast CT image reconstruction from sparsely sampled projections. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1029,166428.
46 Asadi, A., Hosseini, S.A., Akhavanallaf, A., Vosoughi, N., Zaidi, H. 2022. Comparative assessment of passive scattering and active scanning proton therapy techniques using Monte Carlo simulations. , 17  P09008.
47 Asadi, A., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2022. Evaluation of dosimetry quantities in passive scattering and spot scanning methods in proton therapy based on GATE simulation‏. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JonSat).
48 Rashidi, M., Reshtebar, N., Hosseini, S.A., Bahadorzadeh, B., 2022. Simulation of the Positron Emission Mammography system based on the Monte Carlo method by considering the effects of Time Of Flight (TOF) and Depth Of Interaction (DOI). Physics in Medicine, 14, 100053.
49 Asadi, A., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2022. Modeling and validation of proton beam for spot scanning system with GATE software. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JonSat).
50 Khodajou-Chokami, H., Hosseini, S.A., Mohammadi, M., 2022. A measuring tool devoted to improve the evaluation of image parameters for quality assurance/quality control programs of CT scanners. Radiation Safety and Measurement, 9, 33-42.
51 Asadi, A., Akhavanallaf, A., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., Zaidi, H., 2023. Development and validation of an optimal GATE model for proton pencil-beam scanning delivery. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 33, 591-600.
52 Reshtebar, N., Hosseini, S.A., Mingzan Zhuang., Sheikhzadeh, P., 2023. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine.


B- International Conference Papers

 Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., Ghofrani, M.B., and Gharib, M., 2009.  Calculation and measurement of kinetic parameters of Tehran Research Reactor. Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering- ICONE17-75036.

      Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., 2009. Sensitivity analysis of kinetic parameters of Tehran Research Reactor Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering- ICONE17-75523.

        Hosseini, M., Vosoughi, N., Hosseini, S.A., 2010., Co ntrol Rod Worth Calculation for Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) using MCNP4C Code., Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2010(SNS +MC2010).

      Hosseini, S.A., Vosoughi, N., Hosseini, M., 2011. Monte Carlo simulation of Feynman-alpha and Rossi-alpha techniques for calculation of kinetic parameters of Tehran Research Reactor. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2011) Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011, on CD-ROM, Latin American Section (LAS) / American Nuclear Society (ANS) ISBN 978-85-63688-00-2.

       Khodajou-Chokami, H., Vosoghi-vahdat, B., Hosseini, S.A., 2017. Quantitative assessment of patient dose and image quality in mammography systems using monte-carlo method. 2th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

Khodajou-Chokami, H., Hosseini, S.A., Vosoghi-vahdat, B., Razavi, S.M., 2018. Performance evaluation of anti-scatter grids on image quality for digital mammography systems, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
 Khodajou-Chokami, Hamidreza., Hosseini, S.A.,  Ay, Mohammad Reza., Zaidi, Habib., 2019, MCNP-FBSM: Development of MCNP/MCNPX Source Model for Simulation of Multi-Slice Fan-Beam X-Ray CT Scanners, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA).
Khodajou-Chokami, Hamidreza., Hosseini, S.A.,  Ay, Mohammad Reza., Safarzadehamiri, Ali, Ghafarian, Pardis., Zaidi, Habib., 2019, A Novel Method for Measuring the MTF of CT Scanners: A Phantom Study, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA).
Khodajou-Chokami, Hamidreza., Bitarafan, A., Dylov, D.V., Soleymani, M., Hosseini, S.A.,  Personalized Computational Human Phantoms via a Hybrid Model-based Deep Learning Method, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications.
Khodajou-Chokami, Hamidreza., Hosseini, S.A., Ghorbanzadeh, M., Mohammadi, M.,  QCT: A Measuring Tool Dedicated to the Estimation of Image Parameters for Quality Assurance/Quality Control Programs of CT Scanners, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications.

      Ghorbanzadeh, M., Hosseini, S.A  Vosoughi Vahdat, B. Akhavnallaf, A.,  Arabi, H., Zaidi, H., 2021. A Novel Iterative Prior Fusion-Based Metal Artifact Reduction for CT Imaging: An Experimental Phantom Study. 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC).

B- C. National Conference Papers

 سيد ابوالفضل حسيني و ناصر وثوقي، آناليز حساسيت پارامترهاي سينتيکي راکتور تحقيقاتي تهران، کنفرانس هسته اي ايران، گرگان، اسفند 87.

سيد ابوالفضل حسيني و ناصر وثوقي، توسعه شبیه ساز نویز نوترونی دو گروهی - یک بعدی با استفاده از روش عناصر محدود، کنفرانس هسته اي ايران، یزد، اسفند 90.
 سید ابوالفضل حسینی و ناصر وثوقی. بازسازی چشمه نویز نوترونی با استفاده ار روش پویشی در راکتور VVER-1000. کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، مشهد، اسفند 91.
سجاد آقابزرگی، ناصر وثوقی و  سید ابوالفضل حسینی. استفاده از روش خوشه بندی برای جداسازی دیجیتال تپهای نوترون و پرتوی گاما. کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، اصفهان، اسفند 93.
جواد وثوقی،  سید ابوالفضل حسینی و ناصر وثوقی. شبیه¬سازی نویز نوترونی ناشی از بارگذاری اشتباه دو مجتمع سوخت مجاور هم به روش نودال بسط شار. کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، تهران، اسفند 95.
حامد معینی رودبالی،  سید ابوالفضل حسینی. شبیه سازی گزینش گر سرعت نوترون چند پره ای با استفاده از نرم افزار McStas.  کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، بوشهر، اسفند 97.
محمد حسین محبی، محمد صادق محمدی، مهدی رشیدی،  سید ابوالفضل حسینی. استخراج رابطه نظری برای ضریب انباشت حفاظ دو لایه.  کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، بوشهر، اسفند 97.
مصطفی نیکنامی، مهدی ابراهیمی لوشاب و سید ابوالفضل حسینی. شبیه سازی و بهینه سازی بازدهی سیستم تصویربرداری کامپتون مبتنی بر آشکارسازهای نیمه رسانا با استفاده از کد کامپیوتری GEANT۴.  کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، تهران، اسفند 98.
محمد وحیدیان، محمد قربان زاده،  سید ابوالفضل حسینی. شبیه سازی دوز جذبی تومور مالنوم چشمی در براکی تراپی با استفاده از کد کامپیوتری GEANT۴ مبتنی بر روش مونت کارلو. کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، تهران، اسفند 98.
مهدی رشیدی، نیلوفر رشته بر، محمد صادق محمدی، سید ابوالفضل حسینی. شبیه سازی دستگاه ماموگرافی با گسیل پوزیترون به منظور بررسی پارامتر حساسیت سیستم با در نظر رگفتن عمق نفوذ پرتوها در کریستال. کنفرانس هسته ای ایران، تهران، اسفند 98.